Singapore Comissioner of Police
Colonial Singapore Police


Singapore Police Force,1968

Singapore Police Force
1968 - 1982

Singapore Police Force
1982 till present
Singapore Assistant Superintendent of

Straits Settlements Police

Colonial Singapore Police Force

Singapore Police Sub - Inspector
( Later known as Station Inspector )
Singapore Police Sub - Inspector ranks were pinned on both ends of the uniform collar.
Two Maltese Cross on each end of the collar for Colonial SPF & PNS.
Whereas for SPF SI Pips which had three SI pips in a row on both ends of the collar.


Queen Crown Maltese Cross


King Crown Maltese Cross
( Crome Finish )

SPF Maltese Cross
( Mess Production, WM )

( 1st Edition )


( Police Band )

Singapore Police Constable

Straits Settlements Police
( English speaking Constable )

SSP & Colonial SPF
3rd Class Police Constable

SSP & Colonial SPF
2nd Class Police Constable

SSP & Colonial SPF
1st Class Police Constable
SPF Senior Police Constable
SPF 1st Class Police Constable
Singapore Police Force Rank Structure
1968 - 1982 Singapore Police Force Senior Officer Rank Structure:
a) CP - Comissioner of Police
b) DCP - Deputy Commissioner of Police
c) AC - Assistant Commissioner of Police
d) Supt - Superintendent
e) DSP - Deputy Superintendent of Police
f ) ASP - Assistant Superintendent of Police
g) Sr Insp - Senior Inspector
h) Insp - Inspector
i ) PI - Probation Inspector
1968 - 1982 Singapore Police Force Junior Officer
Rank Structure:
m) SI - Station Inspector
n ) SS - Staff Sergeant
o ) Sgt - Sergeant
p ) Cpl - Corporal
q ) Lcp - Lance Corporal
r ) PC - First Class Police Constable
s ) PC - Senior Police Constable
t ) PC - Police Constable
In the Singapore Police Gurkhas Contingent, (r), (s) & (t) are also known as
service bar. For every GC junior officers whom were not promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal. A service bar will
be awarded for every five years of service.
1982 - 1997 Singapore Police Force Senior Officer Rank Structure:
aa) CP - Comissioner of Police
bb) DCP - Deputy Commissioner of Police
cc) SAC - Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police
dd) AC - Assistance Commissioner of Police
ee) DAC - Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Police
dd) Supt - Superintendent
ee) DSP - Dupty Superintendent of Police
ff ) ASP - Assistant Superintendent of Police
gg ) Insp - Inspector
1982 - 1997 Singapore Police Force Junior Officer Rank Structure:
mm) SI - Station Inspector
nn ) SSS - Senior Staff Sergeant
oo ) SS - Staff Sergeant
pp ) Sgt - Sergeant
qq ) Cpl - Corporal
rr ) PC - First Class Police Constable
ss ) PC - Senior Police Constable
tt ) PC - Police Constable
Introduce of new rank, Senior Staff Sergeant and removal the rank
of Lance Corporal.